What can we do for you?

What can we do for you?

Valuation Option

AAMI offers two types of appraisals as defined by USPAP: desktop and full.

The former is sight-unseen and relies only on data provided by the client, while the latter includes a varying degree of inspection of the aircraft/inventory and review of the maintenance status where applicable. Both reports include a general market overview as well as a specified market analysis of the asset type.

Our Services

Full Inventory Appraisal

Current market, orderly liquidation and forced liquidation values for inventories of any and all types and sizes.

Net values consider operating costs, commissions and auction related fees.

Future Aircraft Values

Base value forecasts until the aircraft reaches end of life at an inflation rate indicated by the client

Aircraft Surveys

A report detailing the physical inspection of an aircraft and audit of its logbooks for the purposes of verification, often to a lender. This is not a pre-buy inspection.

Our data points

Full Inventory Appraisal

Current market, orderly liquidation and forced liquidation values for inventories of any and all types and sizes.

Net values consider operating costs, commissions and auction related fees.

Aircraft Tear-down Parts Appraisal

Base and current market values where adjustments are made to the half-life baseline to reflect the actual maintenance condition of the asset. Takes into account airframe checks, landing gear overhaul, APU overhaul, and engine overhaul and LLP green time.

Full Aircraft Appraisal

Base value forecasts of aircraft until the aircraft reaches 25 years of age at an inflation rate indicated by the client

Whole Asset Appraisal

Base and current market lease rates for assets, as well as base lease rate forecasts until the aircraft reached 25 years of age at an inflation rate indicated by the client

Aviation Equipment Appraisal

Opinion of the value of an aircraft, under lease, given a specified lease payment stream, estimated future residual value at lease termination and an appropriate discount rate

Part-out Value

The aggregate value of all components within an asset sold individually following retirement.

Asset Backed Securitization (ABS)

Valuations performed for fleets of assets pooled and collateralized in a single debt security.

Aircraft Surveys

A report detailing the physical inspection of an aircraft and audit of its logbooks for the purposes of verification, often to a lender. This is not a pre-buy inspection.

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